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This Saturday was different.

There was no backup alert :-) - which meant streaming insights!!

Any changes in strategy Clicky?


Posted Sat Jun 4 2011 1:21a by vyankat***

Sorry, no :) We did disable them last Friday for some testing reasons. However I do have good news:

1) I discovered a trick to make the backups take about half the time they used to, because of a silly command line option I was leaving off. So that will take effect starting with tonight's backup!

2) We are moving to the InnoDB storage engine within a couple of months. Using this engine will allow the tables to keep updating while they are being "dumped" at the same time. So the stats might still lag a bit since the hard disks will be churning along like mad for a few hours, but at least they won't be frozen while backups are taking place.


Posted Fri Jun 10 2011 6:13p by Your Friendly Clicky Admin


It did complete real fast today!!

Great work.

Posted Sat Jun 11 2011 12:39a by vyankat***

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